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The Proof is in the Conversion
…and very happy customers:)

On this page you’ll find long- and short-form direct-response copywriting, including Video Sales Letters (VSLs), text sales pages, emails, online articles, and more.

NOTE: Tom Breeze Viewability-inspired YouTube Video Ad Script samples are on this page.

CLICK HERE to read the email

Advanced Brain Power – Text Sales Page

Elin’s piece for Advanced Brain Power is excellent. She’s got it – big time. It really is fantastic work!!”

Lee Euler
Copywriting Legend
President, Natural Health Insiders, Cancer Defeated
Awakening from Alzheimer’s video series

“Your VSL is a clear beat-down of our existing control! Your copy got 10 orders for every 1 the control got on one list, 8 to 1 on another list, and 4 to 1 on another!”

Jeremey Hunsicker
Marketing Director for Lee Euler

12-Day Docu-Series Full Funnel Launch

CLICK HERE to read the launch emails

Regain Your Brain Event Launch

What a FABULOUSLY SUCCESSFUL event! I was so honored to write the online marketing material for this incredible undertaking with many of the world’s most prestigious neuroscientists and doctors. It was watched and purchased by millions around the world.

Event produced by Lee Euler
Copywriting Legend
President, Natural Health Insiders, Cancer Defeated
Awakening from Alzheimer’s video series

The Whole You Healing Detox Sales Page

(Text Sales Page PDF)

“Your sales page is beating the control by 25%. It’s pulling 6.5% house list conversion rate, and 4.5% on cold traffic.”

Jeremy Reeves
Chief Marketing Officer
Mindful Health, Inc.
Danette May Company

10 Day Gut Health Reset Sales Page

30-Day Bootie Thigh Challenge Sales Page

“Your sales page is beating the control by a large margin… 20-25%.”

Jeremy Reeves
Chief Marketing Officer
Mindful Health, Inc.
Danette May Company

“Incredible copywriting on your Cacao Bliss offer! Seriously well done!” – Mark Deaton, Facebook customer

Two book launches. Multiple product launches.

Bone Broth Diet – VSL Script

“Elin is awesome and I’m so grateful that I found her! She spent tons of time diving deep into my book, my brand, and my concept, and totally captured what I wanted to say.

She’s incredibly talented, and on top of that, she’s fun to work with. I want her on my team forever!”

Dr. Kellyann Petrucci, N.D.
“The Bone Broth Doctor”
New York Times Bestselling Author

Dr. Alex Loyd’s TRILOGY Sales Page

“I knew you’d do it again Elin. You are the best sales copywriter I know, and maybe the best in the industry! I’m so lucky to have you on my team.”

Dr. Alex Loyd, PhD, ND
The Healing Codes
The Master Key

The BIG Bloody Book Of Violence

Evergreen controls steadily converting year after year.

It doesn’t happen often, but on this project I wrote TWO winning landing pages that are still the current controls. These sales pages (links below) average 19% and 21% conversion rates respectively.
Here are the links to the 2 winners:

Sales page average converting 19%

Sales page average converting 21%

Jason Hason
Ex-CIA Agent
New York Times bestselling author
Spy Escape & Evasion, Inc.
Shark Tank Winner

How To Turn Any Vehicle Into A
Spy-Grade Bug Out Jeep

Evergreen control steadily converted year after year. 

“GREAT job on the sale page. Thank you so much Elin!”

Jason Hason
Ex-CIA Agent
New York Times bestselling author
Spy Escape & Evasion, Inc.
Shark Tank Winner



Miracle Food Farm (read text sales page)

VSL and sales page steadily converted 4-10% for 6 years. 
(8-10% first year’s conversion)

“With your help and experience I’m thrilled I’m getting a 9-10% conversion rate. Thank you so much Elin!”

Stavariu Mihai
Internet Entrepreneur

Blasen-Kraft Pro (read VSL script)

“Hi Elin. Reinhard, the president, has approved the VSL
with very little change…
and that doesn’t happen very often!!!
We’ll be very protective of this work so others don’t steal our new competitive advantage. Well done girl!”
Peter Kavanagh
Marketing Director

“Absolutely brilliant copywriting Elin! Thank you so much for all your hard work.” Georgia Foster

The Drink Less Mind (read VSL script)

“I’ve been getting sales notifications for Georgia’s product all weekend long and I could not be happier with Elin’s results 🙂. Her VSL copy is converting all the way up to 4.25% on various lists. This is excellent news considering today’s extremely competitive online market and we are all very excited!”

Dush Ramachandran
President, Affiliate Manager
The Net Momentum

“I was becoming overwhelmed with the whole VSL copywriting world but somewhere along the way the gods led me the right way – to Elin. Being an Australian and living in Britain, I was a little nervous of working with an American, as sometimes our sense of humour can be different. However, Elin and I hit it off straight away and she really ‘got’ my approach and the goals of my work, which made it so easy to move forward and leave her to get on with it.  Elin has worked tirelessly to make sure I have been happy with my VSL and now we are looking forward to testing it in the affiliate world.” 

Georgia Foster
Drinking Psychologist, Hypnotist
Internet Entrepreneur, London

Combined sales page with 4-part VSL that converted for 8 years.


The Master Key (read text sales page)

26% launch conversion (it went viral).
Steadily converted over 5% for 8 years.
Converted 8-10% during specials (e.g. Christmas)
Upsell converted 30-40%.

“Elin has been the driving force behind The Master Key marketing. I have found Elin to be very talented and very kind and loving – a fabulous and rare combination.”

Dr. Alex Loyd, PhD, ND
Doctor, Psychologist, Author, Product/Program Developer

I worked on The Healing Codes, The Master Key, Trilogy, Delta 8 supplement marketing, and so much more.

Encyclopedia of Medical Breakthroughs and Forbidden Treatments – Text Sales Page

Steadily converted between 5-8% for over 10 years.

NERVALA Upsell – Text Sales Page

Written for Joe Barton Publishing


Wrote home page and dozens of online articles

Relationship Headquarters (link to webpage)

“I appreciate how you took the time to truly understand my website project. That’s rare these days. After spending big $$$ with big companies, I wish I had found you sooner!”

Dr. Bob Grant
“The Relationship Doctor”
Top-Selling ClickBank Vendor


Deca Aloe – Text Sales Page

“You did an amazing amount of excellent research to craft this copy into a masterpiece that explains complex processes so easily and authoritatively.”

Tom, Deca Aloe

“This is outstanding work Elin… and may I say very, very close to my winning signature style of copywriting and sales page design. The fact that your copy converted over 5% is proof you are a star!!”

Maria Veloso (My 1st beloved copywriting mentor)
Copywriter, Creator of Underground Health Reporter
and Beverly Hills Beauty products

 Email Copywriting
Partial work sample list.

Lee Euler’s “Regain Your Brain”
Warm-up emails for opt-in’s

Lee Euler’s “Regain Your Brain”
12-Day Event Emails

Ty Bolinger’s
The Truth About Cancer

Jack Zufelt’s
DNA of Success System
Mailed by Vic Conant


Aloe Arborescens 
Deca Aloe, International


Cercone Music Mastery


  YouTube Video Ad Script Writing

Partial work sample list from an entire year dedicated to
working with Tom Breeze’s top writers. Click on the
first 3 video stills below to open the YouTube video.
The last work sample is a script I wrote; not the finished video.

Online Article Writing
Partial work sample list.

Athletic Greens


Dave M.
Insider Internet Dating


 Offline Marketing Communications 
Partial work sample list.

power_of_pi-200px The Power of PI
Company brochure
for OSIsoft, Inc.